Thursday, November 19, 2009

TAG - You're Fired!

Over the past semester, I have come to realize the underestimated importance of networks and reputation. As Public Relations Professionals, we are trained to identify that the reputation of our organization is the key component of managing a successful communications plan, as well as an invaluable tool in gaining the highest rate of return on our efforts. If we are able to have a favourable and trusted reputation from our audiences and clients, then the likelihood of them accepting our ideas and products (as well as there support of us in times of distress) is dramatically increased. As I have been taught this way of strategic thinking, I have also learned it from experience.

The whole idea of "six degrees of separation" is a completely true and important concept to understand and respect. Throughout projects, internship opportunities and colleagues, it has been repeatedly made obvious that connections I made ten years ago are coming back into play for my life today.
Working as a Graphic Designer, I experienced many different affiliations with clients, suppliers and co-workers. I have been able to use these past connections to assist me through objectives and opportunities today. I am thankful now that I established good working relationships and kept a professional and pleasant attitude - even after disconnecting from these people. Because I have done that, I have pulled resources and experience references from people I knew almost ten years ago.

I would like to post a few quotes that are so desperately true. I think these guys knew what they were talking about - as they have a great reputation for knowing what they are talking about!

One can survive everything nowadays, except death, and live down anything, except a good reputation. - Oscar Wilde

It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently.” - Warren Buffett

You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do.” - Henry Ford

The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear.” - Socrates

It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it” - Benjamin Frankin

It is especially important that we heed these warnings in today's online communities. Everything we say, do and pose for is potentially available for the whole world to view. Gone are the days of flashing your chest at a party or being the drunk guy passed out in a puddle of urine. There is no longer a place where "what happens here, stays here". Any camera, cell phone or techie doodad is a potential enemy. Any picture or video could end up in your bosses or clients inbox - now or ten years from now!

Does this mean to stay home and hide? No, it just means that you can no longer hide your shameful activity. Don't do anything you don't want everyone to know about or see. Hopefully the age of the Internet and social media will bring about a more civilized, polite and courteous society - skeletons will be out of the closet and posted on the Web!

1 comment:

Tara said...

LOL too late for me...oops ;)