Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Social Media Mom

Bumbling through all of the social media tools we are learning about in class, I have come across a tonne of mommy based media. High tech mom is the new barefoot and pregnant!

Moms are blogging, podcasting, facebooking and youtubing. Gone are the days of teas, soaps and terrible daytime talkshow's - but this is a good thing in my opinion. We are networking to inspire, educate and comfort other mommies all over the world. We are sharing opinions, ideas and information. Essentially, we are one huge corporate empire - sharing and publicizing the information of our private divisions, to come to a mutual understanding and desired end result.

This is a huge resource for caregivers around the world, but also for the suppliers of our organization. The diapers, formula, toys, books, clothing, strollers, schools, sports - I could go on for hours. We have provided an extremely efficient research tool, to essentially tell our suppliers what we want and how we want them to make it. What better of a way to get what we need? If enough mommies blog about the fasteners on a specific diaper brand tearing off too easily - believe me that diaper brand will make a better fastener! If we decide we want McDonalds to include a bib in every happy meal (good idea right!?) then I gaurantee you that will happen - and they'll probably throw in the wetnaps too!

Tech savy mommies unite and organize - we could run the planet!

Mom's the word!

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