Friday, November 20, 2009


I have decided to add a new skill to my resume.
Definition: Photographer mom whose professional goal is to portray mothers, and motherly type women, in a light that invokes their inner beauty,strength and personality.

Don't go look that up in the dictionary, yet... I am the proud founder of this new profession. It was through a class assignment that I discovered my talent. I took these beautiful and enlightening pictures of two gorgeous women in my class. Meg is a 45 year old single mother, and Jen is a 34 year puppy mommy. The original pictures were great, but after tinkering with them in photoshop, I felt as though I had come up with something special. They were taken with a half broken cheap-o city digital camera. You don't need and expensive camera when you know how to use photoshop.
Here then, are the first additions to my line of photoMAtography. Any of you mommies our there wanna join the club, then lets make it happen! Social Media Moms profile pics will have never looked so good! But I bet I know what you are thinking now; the secret's out- I'm a pro photoshopper, and perhaps that is why my picture does not portray that of a 33 year old tired as hell mother of three. Well...
GAWD..! (napoleon dynamite styles)

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